Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Secret lies of the one percent

in military is about discipline , order , following your command order. But, what happens when your a one percent that came in for one particular job,but,  was design by GOD to do a different job. I came in a 92Y Unit Supply Sergeant , the one thing about that is your level of  moving up is limited , yes, go figure in this big Corporation why would that be?. I was bless in my tour in Germany to learn the technical side to learn InformationTechnology .  But, our corporation heads did not believe that this was possible , basic lines that would come to you would be that's not your job , you can't do it , your barking up the wrong tree. Years of constant blocking because I made senior supervisor look silly , like they had no knowledge of what was going on, shining the light on that they were making things up no basic knowledge , no certification on the job. Basically I was shut out of the information Technology world because that was not my original job when I joined how dare me try to change the flow of order, so all the work I did I was never recognize or awarded for it. Schools were denied to me although I had to go and search for schools that help me out . Finally I got my certification top level baseline after it was discovered that I got it my certification a temporary praise turn to a devious plan on trying to bring me down. How dare her go and get a certification , who does she think she is?.
 Constant questioning and trying to take praise for the work I did yet no award.Months of trying to do the correct thing then the light at the tunnel appear it was a dream of doing and moving on 14 years of being a one percent no holding back a new chapter in video and technology beyond live streaming , you tubing and graphics that make you go wow from globecaster to tricaster . Yes, the old dog is not out the one percent will rise and shine.